Local Firefighter Surprises His Wife with a Jesus Table Farm Table Including Family Signature Engravings

Firefighter Craig had a 3×7 distressed farm table built for his wife which included a very cool touch – personalized family signatures which were engraved under the belly of the table. See the pics! Craig, Jenny, Ava and Jack. This was accomplished through multi layered carbon paper, which was rubbed onto the bare wood under the table top. The rubbing left a film of everybody’s signature of which we were able to trace each signature. Little Jack’s writing is our favorite over here – look at that little dude’s name. Very very cool idea Mr Craig.
The table itself had a pretty hefty distressing service applied to it accompanied by a custom stain blend we came up with just for them to match their room style. Finished off with a natural matte varnish and polished with grain smooth to kill some shine.
Also a hidden cross was engraved onto the underside side corner apron of the table. Craig’s oldest, Ava, was able to find the hidden cross in less than a minute…(are we right Craig??) Impressive b/c most Jesus Table’s hidden crosses are not found till months later or if ever.
Anyway it was fun working with Craig on this custom family piece. We had a blast distressing it and building it for them. We want to thank you Craig for allowing us to build this family work horse for you all.

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